Monday, July 25, 2011

Life with the Sheppards

I miss blogging things have been so busy this year, there's a lot to catch up on. I got married in May and we're expecting a baby. Life is never dull in the lives of the Sheppards, but I say I'm adjusting well to married life. I know when the baby get's here our lives will be turned upside down and there will be culture shock again for a while, but with God and the greatest family ever, we'll make it!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

10 Things

I love reading my friend Beth's blog , her little girl Libby goes to the daycare where I am a K4 teacher, so she had posted 10 things, so I'm keeping the tradition going!

10 Things you may not know about me!

1. I buy all the 7th heaven season's when they come out on Dvd, I almost all the whole collection, I just need season 10 and 11 and I will be done!

2. I enjoy playing Tennis and Golf!

3. I love perfume and lotion, I have too much of it!

4. I love spending Saturday's in my PJs!

5. I'm a little OCD about my phone, I constantly check it, it's just a habit, I do screen my calls and txt though.

6. I'm on a Special eating plan as I perfer to call it, and I'm trying to start running, I'm still sore from when I ran Thursday!

7. Since I'm not married at the present time and I'm hope to be married some day, I initial everything in B.

8. I hate cooking and refuse to do any.

9. I gave up Fried foods to Lent and after lents over, I still won't eat much of it.

10. My Grandaddy's name was John, My Dad's name is John, My mom's Son ( My favorite Brother) his name is John, and one of my Dad's son's is named John Robert.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Grayson's First Birthday

Grayson's First Birthday was so much fun. Grayson used to be in my class at lakewood and Ashley and I have kept in touch. I'm so blessed with such a great friend as Ashley and I was honored to be invited to Grayson's First Birthday!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Ash Wednesday

Today, we had our Ash wednesday service at the church to kick off Lent. We sang several songs and then the pastor had a small sermon and then we all went up and they had ashes where they had burnt the palm branches from last year and the pastor or associate pastor puts ashes on your forehead in the sign of a cross, and this is the time you repent to God and focus on making things right with him, so you can start lent and get on the right foot, Lent is the 40 days until Easter, not counting Sundays, Lent is when you give up something to get closer to God. I'm giving up facebook and fried foods, we'll see how I do! I will let you all know! Happy Ash Wedneday!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Day two of the snow!

This is day 2 of the snow, it has stopped snowing, but it's still sticking and there is plenty of snow out there still to make a snowman. Madison and I were suppose to go get manicures at Lux Day Spa, but I couldn't get out of my driveway, because we still have so much snow! The tree's are beautiful, the snow is so beautiful, I'm really enjoying this and I hope everyone else is too! I'm pretty sure it will be mostly melted this afternoon. Have a great weekend!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Our February snow!

A couple of months ago they said it was going to snow and it didn't so when they said it was going to snow this Friday, I didn't beleive it .Come on this is Alabama! However the weather man won this one, It did snow, and it was beautiful, I say we had to get at least 4 inches, it was great I didn't have to go to work today ofcourse I did some work at home for my thirty one business. I hope everyone in the area enjoys the snow and be careful out there, don't go out in this mess unless you have too! Have a great weekend!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Women's Retreat weekend and Love heals your heart

Hello All,
I just got back from Pine Mountain, Georgia this afternoon, I'm so exhausted! But I had a fabulous weekend with my church family St. Mark United Methodist Church on our annual women's retreat, The title of it this year was "walking his way". Can you believe that I didn't take one single picture? I know what's up with that right? I appologize for that. We stays at Callaway Gardens in the cottages and had our meetings at the Lodge. We all got there by 7pm on Friday night and stayed through 12 today, although I helped pack up some of the equipment and take stuff to the car. I hated to see it end. Last night was the best! Anyone who felt led went up and gave a testimony about something that's happened this past year in your life. I so didn't want to at all, because I was scared to death, but I did get up there and speak from my heart. I came to St. Mark so hurt and I didn't feel like I could trust anyone and that everyone was going to hurt me, reject me and betray me, especially women and Church people. However the people at St. Mark have really changed my "stinkin thinkin" The People at St. Mark have been wonderful, I know no one on earth is perfect except God, and I give God all the glory, because it's only because of him that I'm blessed with a wonderful church family and such fabulous people in my life like Pam, Aimee, Gayle, Vivian, Sandy and so many others that I could never name everyone. These people have touched my heart so much and them loving me has helped heal my heart, and I now know that not everyone is going to hurt me, not everyone will betray my confidence or stabb me in the back. There are truly great Christian people at St. Mark United Methodist that genuinely love each other unconditionally and are there for each other. These are the people that have changed the way I see people, myself and Christians. Love heals your heart. Read these lyrics"Love Heals Your Heart"When you think your life is shattered And there's no way to be fixed again Love heals your heart At a time you least expected You're alive like you have never been Love heals your heart . It's amazing that this is MY LIFE! I have people in my life that genuinely love me, that I can share my heart with, without worrying if there going to stabb me in the back or betray me. It's amazing. Thank You God for all the fabulous people in my life and for sending me to St. Mark! This has become God's biggest blessing. I never imagined this time last year that I would be at St. Mark, let alone a women's retreat or have such awesome people in my life. God is so good!